Cet article est un premier d’une série de plusieurs où je propose mes commentaires constructifs pour informer et partager des concepts et bonnes pratiques en intégration web qu’un site pourrait prendre avantage.
Web Integration Review
A quick overview on the advantages to architect you HTML in an “Object Oriented” approach
I am reading quite a few comments on mailing lists about how they’d like to improve the markup but show what we were doing many years ago. Ahem. When we were NOT yet doing HTML5. I would like to remind that OOCSS as far as I recall is to use CSS selectors in an Object Oriented approach. Nicole Sullivan, who … Continued
Choosing a framework, how I personally define what is “hot” about them, an evaluation process (part 1)
I do not want to say that I am an expert in programming languages, nor a PHP guru. But with my experience in web development and discussions with other community leaders from the Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript communities and with my own working in team, I learned stuff and here’s some of what I consider “hot”, in the PHP world, right now.