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Tranche de vie
Leaving W3C
It’s time for me to say goodbye
Make Discourse “long polling” work behind Fastly
In the Discourse forums, if you’ve seen something saying that you have to provide a different origin to make long polling work, maybe you didn’t understand what you have to do. Here are the details of why and how to do it correctly.
HHVM et Hack; ce qui les distingue de PHP
C’est une réécriture complète de PHP, qui a apporté aussi une syntaxe qui permet d’annoter les signatures des arguments d’entrée et de sortie, et plus.
Thoughts about learning in the web developer job, what managers might be missing
Being a programmer is all about solving puzzles, review existing components, and already involve learning. Maybe we should revisit how we can make their time efficient
Notes of my purchase experience with ASUS slim DVD-RW reader SDRW-08D2S-U
Dear chief of marketing at ASUS. This is me, a web developer, who’s giving some feedback about my purchase and first contact an ASUS product.
Recette du succès en quelques règles simples
Ce qui suit fait partie des choses que jaurai aimé apprendre plus tôt dans ma vie. C’est une suite de petites règles très simples. Elles proviennent d’un tweet, j’ai pris la liberté de le traduire et d’en conserver une copie.
I am joining W3C to work on the WebPlatform project!
My new job is to contribute to the success of the WebPlatform project, a rapidly growing web development collaborative documentation website. I would even call it the Web developer’s missing manual on the Internet.
I have just resigned from my new job to start on an exciting project!
Right after Ericsson, I started working at TEKsystems for the last month and a half. It is amazingly well organized company. Based on my own experience in different work contexts, I can say that working with them for web development projects was enjoyable.
I am joining W3C to work on the WebPlatform project!
In a recent post, I was explaining that I resigned my position. The new exciting project that I was referring to is the WebPlatform project at the W3C. For people who do not know what the W3C is, it is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. The WebPlatform project is a rapidly growing web development collaborative … Continued
Why would I NOT use my own framework and how I sell usage of Symfony2 and other current PHP 5.3+ goodies to my client
Sometimes, in a mailing list I am following and in real life. People are sometimes explaining their choices in technology to create an e-commerce site using a CMS (“Content Management system”) or their own “homemade” framework. As if there is no good PHP ones out there nowadays. A CMS is a web application to manage content and when specialized requirements … Continued
Réflexion a voix-haute: La réalité frustrante des développeurs dans l’industrie du web
Être développeur web, dans notre industrie, apporte plusieurs avantages. Lorsqu’on est passionné, ce que l’on fait tout les jours est très similaire a un hobby qu’on apprécie beaucoup. Je partage ici avec vous un des désavantages du métier. Un problème récurrent que j’ai vécu à cause d’une incompréhension de la part de l’industrie, et de ceux qui ne sont pas dans “le web”.
What is Cloud computing when it is related to web application
Some guidelines on what is Cloud Computing related to the scaling point of view. This is the continuity of the thread about a shopping cart and payment gateway commerce site using a CMS. The conversation persisted on what to do and look for cloud hosting.
Some steps you can look for if you feel your web application is slow
A peer asked for opinion about things to consider to use cloud computing services. I assumed then that he meant that he wishes to use what some vendors sells as “flip the switch” scaling.
My answer to People asking whether they should or not use a framework on their programming language
On many social networks or in real life, some people still ask whether they should use a framework. If you are on a task that is about deploying a feature, your main concern, to my opinion, should be the functionnality.
Project manifest: Content management publishing platform to implement Accessibility, Semantic markup, and ease web publishing
Have you ever imagined you could take content from a trusted and usable content management system and be able to convert in in the HTML format you want for your redesign. That’s what I am seeking for, for years. Numbers of time I rewrote site content and reimplemented in a different CMS (even my own, back then). How about tackling with the core of the problem… in a fashion that ANY programming language could take from. That’s my current ambition, here is my status about it.
Nouveau projet: Refonte de mon site en conservant WordPress comme back-office, mais Symfony2/Doctrine2/Twig pour générer les vues
Je pense personnellement qu’il devrait y avoir une totale séparation entre le stockage des documents, sa gestion, et l’affichage du contenu. Ce projet va servir à intégrer Symfony2 à WordPress dans ce sens.
Résumé d’une discussion et notes sur ce que j’aurai aimé comprendre plus rapidement lors de mon apprentissage Symfony2 et Doctrine2
Ce billet est une compilation de courriels échangés avec un collaborateur de la communauté des logiciels libres. Le thème de l’échange était à propos des concepts architecturaux qu’utilise Symfony2. Du moins, ce que j’ai appris, et . J’ai peut être tord sur certains points, mais a tout le moins, ces indices peuvent peut-être vous aider autant que mon correspondant.
Trying to find templating engine library of markup generating content
Imagine we had a system that provides a serialized and filtered transport mechanism of content. Imagine now that we want to get that content, and insert it in a nice and pretty website, and where I am at with this. Imagine that content could be all semantic, valid, accessible html. Without having to teach and manually implementing all the requirements on the rendering part. This is my ambition.
Les diapositives de ma présentation au HTML5Mtl “Comment entretenir et utiliser une architecture modulaire et réutilisable CSS” est publié
Vous pouvez les trouver ici: Comment entretenir et utiliser une architecture modulaire et réutilisable CSS. La présentation a eu lieu pendant la rencontre d’Avril du HTML5Mtl. Le groupe HTML5Mtl est un sous-projet du W3Québec pour promouvoir la nouvelle norme du W3c. Le HTML5. Mon expérience sur le sujet est assez forte car depuis 2010 je ne fais que ça, du … Continued