Renoir Boulanger Un geek social et Linuxien de nature

Create a MariaDB cluster with replication over SSL with Salt Stack

Some notes on how I created our updated MariaDB database cluster with replication.

While reworking WebPlatform infrastructure I had to rebuild a new database cluster.

The objective of the cluster is to have more than one database server so that our web applications can make reads on any node in the cluster.

While the system has replication, and I can send reads on any nodes on the cluster. There is a flaw in it too, any nodes can also make writes; nothing is blocking it.

My plan is to change this so that it would be OK to send writes to anybody in the cluster. There is now something called “Galera” that would allow me that. But that’s outside of the scope of this article.

In the current configuration, I’m purposefully not fixing it because my configuration management makes sure only the current master. So in this setup, I decided that the VM that gets writes has a specific mention of “masterdb” in the hostname.

That way, its easy to see and it gives me the ability to change master at anytime if an emergency requires me to.

Changing MariaDB replication master

Changing master could be done in the following order:

  • Lock writes on masterdb databases
  • Wait replication to catch up
  • On secondary database servers; remove replication configuration
  • Tell all web apps to use new database master
  • Remove database lock
  • Setup new replication configuration to use new master

Thanks to the fact that I manage everything through configruation management –including the web app configuration files– its only a matter of applying the states everywhere in the cluster. That makes it fairly easy to do such an heavy move, even under stress.

This post will be updated once I have completed the multi writes setup.



The rest of this article will assume the following:

  1. You are running VMs on OpenStack, and do have credentials to make API calls to it
  2. You have a Salt master already running
  3. Your salt master has at least python-novaclient (nova commands) available on it
  4. You have your Open Stack credentials already loaded in your salt master’s /etc/profile.d/ so you can use nova directly

From the salt-master, initiate a few VMs to use for your database cluster

  1. Before booting, ensure you have the following details in your OpenStack cluster and salt master;

    • You have a SSH key in your OpenStack cluster. Mine is called “renoirb-production” and my salt master user has the private key preinstalled
    • You have a userdata.txt file that has settings that points to your salt master

      cat /srv/opsconfigs/userdata.txt
      manage_etc_hosts: false # Has to be set to false for everybody. Otherwise we need a DNS
      manage-resolv-conf: false
      locale: en_US.UTF-8
      timezone: America/New_York
      package_upgrade: true
      package_update: true
      package_reboot_if_required: true
      # This is run at EVERY boot, good to ensure things are at the right place
      # IMPORTANT, make sure that `` is a valid local DNS server.
        - grep -q -e 'nameserver' /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head || printf "nameserver\n" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
        - grep -q -e 'wpdn' /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base || printf "search production.wpdn\ndomain production.wpdn\nnameserver" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
        - grep -q -e 'wpdn' /etc/resolv.conf || resolvconf -u
        - sed -i "s/ localhost/ $(hostname).production.wpdn $(hostname)\n127.0.0.1 localhost/" /etc/hosts
        - apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
        - add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt
        - apt-get update
        - apt-get -y upgrade
        - apt-get -y autoremove
        - salt-minion
        - salt-common
      # vim: et ts=2 sw=2 ft=yaml syntax=yaml
  2. Create two db-type VMs

    nova boot --image Ubuntu-14.04-Trusty --user-data /srv/opsconfigs/userdata.txt --key_name renoirb-production --flavor lightspeed --security-groups default db1-masterdb
    nova boot --image Ubuntu-14.04-Trusty --user-data /srv/opsconfigs/userdata.txt --key_name renoirb-production --flavor supersonic --security-groups default db2
  3. Accept them to the salt

    salt-key -y -a db1-masterdb
    salt-key -y -a db2

    As an aside. Imagine you want to run dependencies automatically once a VM is part of your salt-master. For example, adding its private IP address in a local Redis or Etcd live configuration object. One could create a Salt “Reactor and make sure the data is refreshed. This gist is a good starting point

  4. Wait the VM build to finish and get their private IP addresses

    nova list | grep db
    | ... | db1-masterdb | ACTIVE  | Running     | private-network= |
    | ... | db2          | ACTIVE  | Running     | private-network= |
  5. Add them to the pillars.
    Note that the part of the name “masterdb” is what Salt states uses to know which one will get the writes to.
    Note that in the end, the web apps configs will use the private IP address.
    Its quicker to generate pages if the backend doesn’t need to make name resolution each time it makes database queries.
    This is why we have to reflect the pillars. Ensure the following structure exists in the file.

    # Edit /srv/pillar/infra/init.sls at the following blocks
  6. Refer to the right IP address in the configuration file with a similar salt pillar.get reference in the states.

          - source: salt://code/files/blog/wp-config.php.jinja
          - template: jinja
          - user: www-data
          - group: www-data
          - context:
              db_creds: {{ salt['pillar.get']('accounts:wiki:db') }}
              masterdb_ip: {{ salt['pillar.get']('infra:hosts_entries:masterdb') }}
          - require:
            - cmd: rsync-blog

    … and the wp-config.php.jinja

    ## Some PHP configuration file that salt will serve on top of a deployed web application
    ## Managed by Salt Stack, please DO NOT TOUCH, or ALL CHANGES WILL be LOST!
    ## source {{ source }}
    define('DB_CHARSET',  "utf8");
    define('DB_COLLATE',  "");
    define('DB_HOST',     "{{ masterdb_ip|default('')    }}");
    define('DB_NAME',     "{{ db_creds.database|default('wpblog') }}");
    define('DB_USER',     "{{ db_creds.username|default('root')   }}");
    define('DB_PASSWORD', "{{ db_creds.password|default('')       }}");
  7. Refresh the pillars, rebuild the salt master state.highstate, and test it out.

    salt-call saltutil.sync_all
    salt salt state.highstate
    salt-call pillar.get infra:hosts_entries:masterdb
    > local:
  8. Make sure the VMs has the same version of salt as you do

    salt-call test.version
    > local:
    >     2014.7.0
    salt db\* test.version
    > db2:
    >     2014.7.0
    > db1-masterdb:
    >     2014.7.0
  9. Kick the VMs installation

    salt db\* state.highstate
  10. Highstate takes a while to run, but once you are done, you should be able to work with them with the remaining of this tutorial

    salt -G 'roles:db' mysql.version
    > db2:
    >     10.1.2-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep-log
    > db1-masterdb:
    >     10.1.2-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep-log

    Each db-type VM MySQL/MariaDB/Percona server will have a different database maintenance users defined in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf.

    Make sure you don’t overwrite them unless you import everything all at once, including the users and their grants.

  11. Check that each db VMs has their SSL certificate generated by Salt

    salt -G 'roles:db' 'ls /etc/mysql | grep pem'
    > db2:
    >     ca-cert.pem
    >     ca-key.pem
    >     client-cert.pem
    >     client-key.pem
    >     client-req.pem
    >     server-cert.pem
    >     server-key.pem
    >     server-req.pem
    > db1-masterdb:
    >     ca-cert.pem
    >     ca-key.pem
    >     client-cert.pem
    >     client-key.pem
    >     client-req.pem
    >     server-cert.pem
    >     server-key.pem
    >     server-req.pem

    Each file is a certificate so they can use to make replication through SSL.

Now on each database server;

  1. Connect to both db nodes using the salt as a Jump Host

    ssh masterdb.production.wpdn
    ssh db2.production.wpdn
  2. Get to the MySQL/MariaDB/Percona prompt on each VMs.

    If you are used with terminal screens that allows to keep sessions running
    even if you get disconnected, that would be ideal. We never know if the connection hangs.

    On WebPlatform system we do have screen but tmux can do too.

  3. Check if SSL is enabled on both MySQL/MariaDB/Percona servers

    > MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES like '%ssl%';
    > +---------------+----------------------------+
    > | Variable_name | Value                      |
    > +---------------+----------------------------+
    > | have_openssl  | YES                        |
    > | have_ssl      | YES                        |
    > | ssl_ca        | /etc/mysql/ca-cert.pem     |
    > | ssl_capath    |                            |
    > | ssl_cert      | /etc/mysql/server-cert.pem |
    > | ssl_cipher    | DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA         |
    > | ssl_crl       |                            |
    > | ssl_crlpath   |                            |
    > | ssl_key       | /etc/mysql/server-key.pem  |
    > +---------------+----------------------------+
  4. Generate SSL certificates for MySQL/MariaDB/Percona server, see this gist on how to do it.

  5. Places to double check; To see which config keys sets what’s shown in the previous screen, take a look in the VMs /etc/mysql/conf.d/ folders with similar entries.

    • bind-address is what allows us to communicate between servers, before MySQL 5.5 we had skip-networking but now only a bind-address is sufficient. Make sure that your security groups allows only local network connections though.
    • server_id MUST be with a different number for each nodes. Make sure no server has the same number.

      bind-address =
  6. From the database master (a.k.a “masterdb”), Get the replication log position;
    We’ll need the File and Position values to setup the replication node.

    MariaDB [(none)]> show master status;
    > +------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
    > | File                   | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
    > +------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
    > | mariadbrepl-bin.000002 |      644 |              |                  |
    > +------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
  7. Configure the masterdb to accept replication users. From the salt master

     salt -G 'roles:masterdb' mysql.user_create replication_user '%' foobarbaz

    NOTE: My salt states script creates a grain in /etc/salt/grains with the following data;

      - masterdb

    Alternatively, you could call the VM db1-masterdb, use a small python script that’ll parse the information for you and make it a grain automatically.

  8. Back to the masterdb VM, check if the user exists, ensure SSL is required

    MariaDB [(none)]> show grants for 'replication_user';
    > +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    > | Grants for replication_user@%                                                                                               |
    > +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    > | GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '...' |
    > +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'%.local.wpdn' REQUIRE SSL;
    MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'%' REQUIRE SSL;
    MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT User,Host,Repl_slave_priv,Repl_client_priv,ssl_type,ssl_cipher from mysql.user where User = 'replication_user';
    > +------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+
    > | User             | Host         | Repl_slave_priv | Repl_client_priv | ssl_type |
    > +------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+
    > | replication_user | %.local.wpdn | Y               | N                | ANY      |
    > +------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+
  9. On the secondary db VM, in mysql prompt, setup the initial CHANGE MASTER statement;


Checking if it worked

From one of the secondary servers, look for success indicators:

  • Seconds_Behind_Master says 0,
  • Slave_IO_State says Waiting for master to send event

    MariaDB [wpstats]> show slave status\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                   Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                      Master_Host: masterdb.local.wpdn
                      Master_User: replication_user
                      Master_Port: 3306
                    Connect_Retry: 10
                  Master_Log_File: mariadbrepl-bin.000066
              Read_Master_Log_Pos: 19382112
                   Relay_Log_File: mariadbrepl-relay-bin.000203
                    Relay_Log_Pos: 19382405
            Relay_Master_Log_File: mariadbrepl-bin.000066
                 Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                       Last_Errno: 0
                     Skip_Counter: 0
              Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 19382112
                  Relay_Log_Space: 19382757
                  Until_Condition: None
                    Until_Log_Pos: 0
               Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes
               Master_SSL_CA_File: /etc/mysql/ca-cert.pem
                  Master_SSL_Cert: /etc/mysql/client-cert.pem
                   Master_SSL_Key: /etc/mysql/client-key.pem
            Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
    Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                    Last_IO_Errno: 0
                   Last_SQL_Errno: 0
                 Master_Server_Id: 1
                   Master_SSL_Crl: /etc/mysql/ca-cert.pem
                       Using_Gtid: No
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Managing users

In the end, since replication is active, you can add users to your system and all nodes will get the privileges.

The way I work is that I can use Salt stack states to add privileges in my states (more details soon)
or I can use a few salt commands from my salt master and send them to the database masterdb VM.

salt -G 'roles:masterdb' mysql.db_create 'accounts_oauth' 'utf8' 'utf8_general_ci'
salt -G 'roles:masterdb' mysql.user_create 'accounts' '%' 'barfoo'
salt -G 'roles:masterdb' mysql.grant_add 'ALL PRIVILEGES' 'accounts_oauth.*' 'accounts' ‘%’




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    […] Installation automatisée d’un cluster MariaDB avec réplication SSL […]

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